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Her Story

Danny and I met in Mankato around 4 years ago through mutual friends. One day in the fall we decided to take a road trip out west to visit his brother in Rapid City. 16 hours later, Danny and I became close friends and one year later we starting dating around his birthday. We've been laughing, playing music, drinking coffee, watching Netflix and exploring the outdoors ever since.
God brought us together in his perfect timing. I'm so blessed to have Danny in my life. Dating was fun, but I know marriage is going to be so much better. 

His Story​

Once upon a time there was a time when Danny met Rachel. Rachel was friends with my much younger fraternal twin brother David's wife, Kayla.  Rachel and I wandered out across the plains to the Black Hills and became friends.  We have been sampling coffee and thrift store shopping and hanging out ever since.  


Then I went and moved to Duluth like a Jerk and gave long distance a try.  Thousands of miles of driving later and a few speeding tickets...I moved back to Mankato and asked Rachel to marry me.  She said yes.  We have lots of future ahead with lots of good times to be had.


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